Forward Operating Bases or FOB’s will be getting a special mode for placing cameras and land mines.

Raiden will now be a playable character, and will be able to use wormholes and special weapons.

Skulls can be on the security teams now, but it’s isn’t apparent how yet.

Challenge tasks have been added, with rewards for completing them. Friend connectivity has been enhanced to allow friend supporters including infiltration.

Host Migration, the big one everyone’s been asking Konami for is on its way. If a host leaves a match in progress, one player in the room will be selected to become the next host and the match will reset. All players will earn the matches experience points, except for the host who left. *(instead of the match just ending and kicking everyone out when the host leaves.)

Match condition search filters, walker gears ON/OFF, weather, and room names are conditions that can be used for filtering rooms in search.

This is just what we’ve heard about the update and there may be even more surprises before it’s in our hands. Until then, looks like a pretty nice Metal Gear Online update!

If you could update Metal Gear Online, what would you add?

Metal Gear Solid V MGO December update revealed   Metal Gear Solid V  The Phantom Pain - 89